
Excerto retirado do filme
Onde Jaz o Teu Sorriso de Pedro Costa:
1h08m13s a 1h14m21s em loop.
«O melhor filme que alguma vez se fez acerca
do cinema e da montagem.»
Jean-Luc Godard

fotografia (impressão digital, 89×63)


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“The computer is merging with video. The potential offspring of this marriage is only beginning to be realized. (…) All possible pathways, or branches, that a viewer may take through the material must already exist at some place on the disc.”
“Soon, the way we approach making films and videotapes will drastically change. The notion of a “master” edit and “original” footage will disappear. Editing will become the writing of a software program that will tell the computer how to arrange (…).”

“The computer is merging with video. The potential offspring of this marriage is only beginning to be realized. (…) All possible pathways, or branches, that a viewer may take through the material must already exist at some place on the disc.”

“Soon, the way we approach making films and videotapes will drastically change. The notion of a “master” edit and “original” footage will disappear. Editing will become the writing of a software program that will tell the computer how to arrange (…).”

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